"When a great adventure is offered, you do not refuse it." Amelia Earhart

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Saturday Spin

As much fun (and helpful) as my first Flip-Off was yesterday, I never do stuff like that! In fact, the only times anyone has every seen a bird fly from me was purely in jest. So, I thought I'd go back and put a positive spin on things today for no other reason than to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Here it goes:

To DadMan: You may be a dirty filthy pig, but you are my piggy and you still make me laugh and smile like no other can! And I know I do a million things that probably bug the hell out of you, but I never hear you mutter a single word about it. How do you do it??

To the dedicated parents of my dear little clients: You know I love you guys and the kids, too. I just have enough tantrums of my own to take care of. I am so thankful you entrust me to train your kiddo's brains for a full hour a few times a week and I am very grateful that they are all hard-working and fun. They make me love my job and make it easier for me to feel less guilty about leaving Dozer for a couple of hours a day when I see the progress they make.

To the nighttime problems: I hate more than anything to see my Dozer in pain or scared. However, I am thankful that I was there to comfort him and squeeze in some snuggle time. Who know how much longer that will last?

To the man in the pick-up: Hmmm... Well, you were rude, juvenille, and obnoxious and I am thankful that I didn't run off the road from your silly prank.

To my Sentra: You are old, but the most dependable vehicle I have had to date. I have tortured you far more than you have done to me. You've racked many miles through the wild commutes of the college years, and many more carting me to and from many houses for work in the following years, suffered many war wounds such as flat tires and the dirt storms of construction sites, two rowdy dobermans (one who tried to punch out your windows, the other who lovingly gnawed your seat belts to threads), and survived the harsh salt air and a few hurricanes (with flying shingles and fronds that bruised you). You will always hold a soft spot in my heart, but I'm afraid our motley crew has outgrown you... Thanks for getting me to where I wanted to go (most of the time).

To KY: Your commercials make me most uncomfortable but you did pull through for me post-episiotomy. DadMan thanks you for that. A lot.

To all of my followers visitors: A BIG thanks for listening to my rants and raves!! People pay for therapy?? Just get a blog! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, doing what you love most with those you love most.


  1. This was a great way to follow up a flip off. Sometimes it is actually better to talk about the good things they can make you feel so much better. I hope your weekend is wonderful too!

  2. It is good to get things out sometimes. My hubby is a little piggy at times too. But he does so many great things, I have to let that one go. I am a new follower! Come visit Mama's Little Chick. Have a happy 4th of July!

    Mama Hen

  3. These were great. I love the ode to your Sentra. Too cute! And the bit about KY... LOL And you're so right. Ditch therapy and get a blog!
    Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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